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代购 Agil是Rebornbuddy插件自动维修和优化装备,自动换装,支线

  • 网页游戏名:其他游戏
  • 网页游戏物品:其他


点settgings 进行设置  出以下设置,我逐一说明,True:开启  Flase:关闭

Repair: True        是否修理   默认是True(开启)

OptimizeGear: True  是否换装   默认是True(开启),重要说明:如果你要精炼,这个是需要开启的,否则一定要关闭,因为在其他时候,比如你制作的时候,会出现莫名其妙的错误,我测试制作几次材料后就站起来,不再进行制作,切记切记!

Spiritbind: False   是否精炼   默认是False(关闭)

MinimumDurability: 30   耐久度到30%进行修理
MinimumItemLevel: 1     换装最小等级为1
MaximumItemLevel: 200   换装最大等级为200(如果精炼最好设置成50,免得把高等级装备换上,影响精炼)
SelfRepair: False      如果你能自己修理装备而不想到NPC那里修,那么选择开启(True),默认是false(关闭)  
Debug: False          这个默认
SlotEnabled:       以下是各个部位的换装设置,默认都是进行换装Ture,如果不想换改成False

MainHand: True     主手
  OffHand: True      副手
  Head: True     头
  Body: True    身体
  Hands: True    手
  Waist: True    腰部
  Legs: True     腿
  Feet: True     脚
  Necklace: True     项链
  Earring: True       耳环
  Bracelet: True      手镯
  Ring1: True        戒指1
  Ring2: True        戒指2

  Agil is a plugin for Rebornbuddy that automatically repairs and optimizes gear, while also presenting a few questing helpers for convenience.

Currently not compatible with the Korean and Chinese client.



  • Repairs with menders when equipment falls below a specified condition.
  • Self repairs instead of going to menders if enabled.
  • Auto-equips gear based on easily customizable stat weights for each job.
  • Can auto-equip based on spiritbond condition.
  • Adds options to auto-accept quests, auto-complete quests, auto-handover quest items, and skip dialog.

What's new@

    The paid version of Agil now should have the double slot equipment conflicts resolved, and was also made compatible with questing profiles by making it disable auto-equip when doing a quest that requires specific gear equipped instead. It has a full fledged UI for it's settings window, and allows to leave both mender and self repair enabled; this gives priority to self repair unless you lack the necessary amount of dark matter, at which point it falls back to mender repairs. All menders from the new areas have also been added. I'll also work on keeping it updated and have any bugs that might arise fixed.
